Frequently Asked Questions
Acupuncture is the most recognized technique that we use. Licensed Acupuncturists may use a wide variety of therapeutic techniques, including herbal medicine, exercise therapy and nutritional advice.
Chinese medicine is one of the oldest continuing systems of medicine in history. It has its philosophical roots in Nature and uses gentle, but powerful methods to help harmoniously balance the body and bring it back to a healthier state.
Acupuncture is a medical treatment of activating our body’s healing system, and opening up bodies our natural healing power. This is done by inserting extremely fine needles at precise acupuncture points and leaving them in for 20-30 minutes.
Acupuncture needles are very thin and solid and are made from stainless steel. The point is smooth (not hollow with cutting edges like a hypodermic needle) and insertion through the skin is not painful like an injection or blood sampling can be. Most patients feel only a mild sensation as the needles are inserted. Some patients do not even feel the needles.
Sometimes, mild bruising can occur, but this is generally not a problem. We use sterile, disposable needles which never cause infection, even around artificial joints.
Illness and pain occur when our bodies are weakened or when we have an imbalance or state of stagnation. When these situations occur, our qi (pronounced, “chee”) cannot circulate properly. Our emotions become unstable, we can become stressed and bacteria and viruses that would normally be repelled can attack our bodies. Acupuncture and herbal therapy can strengthen and improve the flow of the body’s qi making us less susceptible to disease
You will feel a sensation with acupuncture, but you should not feel pain. Acupuncturists stimulate the needles to achieve a sensation that feels like a dull ache, heaviness, tingling, warmth or a sensation of movement in the body. This sensation is needed in order to get the proper therapeutic effect. Some people feel energized by treatment, while others feel extremely relaxed.
This depends on the problem being treated. For acute issues that respond quickly to acupuncture, 2-3 visits over two weeks may be all that is needed. For chronic problems that need a longer course of treatment, one visit per week for 3-6 months may be required. Usually after four treatments we will know whether or not acupuncture is working for your condition..
Typically there are not any side effects. As energy and qi is redirected in the body, the natural healing process begins to resume. Occasionally, the original symptoms may worsen for a day or so. Other general changes in appetite, sleep, bowel, urination, or emotional patterns may be triggered. These should not cause concern, as they are simply indications that the acupuncture is starting to work and these symptoms will subside within a couple of days.
It is quite common, especially with the first or second treatments, to have a sensation of deep relaxation or immediately following the treatment. This is a very pleasant and beneficial side effect of acupuncture treatment.